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Anti-Aging House Holding Limited enters into a full scale business development using WeChat business distribution platform to promote UTU products

Release Time:2016-09-22 11:38     Number Of Times Read: Secondary

In line with our business development strategy, Anti-Aging House Holding Limited (hereinafter referred to as “A2H”) has formally entered into the WeChat distribution platform in September 2016 and introduces the UTU brand into the WeChat market with the intention of becoming one of the top oral beauty brands available in the WeChat business platform.

UTU products uses its patented technology on the extraction of isinglass protein which effectively promotes skin condition for better health and whitening. A2H strongly believes that based on our extensive experience on online platform and Cosmetic Sector (CS) channels, the WeChat platform could open up a new era for our UTU products.

Currently, WeChat business market is experiencing rapid growth in China and especially those in the field of skin care products and cosmetic products who have already occupied half the WeChat market. A2H will focus initially on UTU brand value building and brand reputation in the WeChat platform with its high technical threshold.

A2H has engaged WeChat marketing experts to work together with A2H to enhance business development. A2H and has appointed WeChat business leader, Mr. Zhang Wugong, to be A2H’s Chief Adviser and to take on the responsibility of building brand value and promoting brand culture. A2H has also appointed, the renowned WeChat distributer, Ms. Li Xiaojing, to be A2H’s UTU division Chief Executive Officer and to take on the responsibility of recruiting the WeChat marketing team and business development.

With the new WeChat business platform, the brand advantages and the efforts of the marketing team, A2H expects an increase of 20% in revenue by the end of 2016. Barring any unforeseen circumstances, the revenue of A2H is expected to increase by approximately 200% in 2017.

As the first listed company to focus on WeChat business model, A2H attaches the importance of business development on the WeChat business platform and welcomes business partners to join us in this industry.